Journal Details

  • Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management

    Publisher Publishing India Group
    E-ISSN 2320 –5008
    Print ISSN 2277-6850
    Chief Editor S.K. Nagarajan
    Contact email
    Address Publishing India Group Plot no - 56 1st Floor, Deepali Enclave Near Deepali chowk Pitampura New Delhi-110034
    Country India
    Impact Factor Or Status Under Review
    Journal Description

    "The Journal of Entrepreneurship & Management" (JEM) (ISSN: 2277-6850) looks forward to create value for enterprises and organizations through research and for those who are committed to support entrepreneurship like, policy makers, intervention agencies, researchers and academics, by establishing a platform for learning through sharing from experience, dialogue, creativity and imagination. JEM target audiences are entrepreneurs, researcher and academicians, executives, policy makers, intervention agencies and others. Given the diverse nature of our audiences and their requirements journal will prefer to receive contributions, which can be generalized across a variety businesses, sectors, nations and economies

    Journal Language


    Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)


    Area of Specialization

    JEM focuses on the international dimension of various segments of enterprises, business and industries all across.

    Starting Year of the Journal


    Online Availability (Yes/No)


    Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)

    Full Text